File Management

Files API


ROQ provides a complete solution for management of public and private files. Please read the files feature guide for all information.




This method is only available on the server-side SDK. It executes all the steps described in createFileUpload below, with just a single function call.

This method can be used when you want to upload files directly from your backend file system to your ROQ file storage.

  const file = fs.readFileSync("./roq.png");
  const r = await roqClient.asSuperAdmin().uploadFile({
    fileInfo: {
      contentType: "image/png",
      name: `roq.png`,
      fileCategory: "USER_FILES",
    options: {
      isPublic: true,

To upload a file using a user account, the function asUser(userId) requires a user id. There are multiple methods to retrieve the user id, such as utilizing GraphQL:

query users(
  $limit: Int = 10,
  $offset: Int = 0,
) {
    limit: $limit,
    offset: $offset,
  ) {
    data {
fileInfoobjectFile data to be uploaded
options:isPublicbooleantrue if the file is public
options:associationsarrayFile associations option

Currently, the uploadFile() method does not support direct file upload via GraphQL.



It's not recommended to implement file uploads yourself. Use ROQ's File Upload UI component instead and get file uploads up and running in minutes.

To upload file via API you need to proceed the following steps:

Generate a signed URL

Generate a signed URL using the createFileUpload() API. The createFileUpload API returns a signed URL which is then used to upload the file directly from the user's browser to the object storage.

await client.asSuperAdmin().createFileUpload({
  createFileDto: {
    name: 'abc123',
    contentType: 'image/png',
    fileCategory: 'xyz789',
namestringName of the uploaded file
contentTypestringMime type of the file, see here (opens in a new tab) for a list of all types
fileCategorystringKey of the category of the file

Upload File Using Signed URL

With the returned URL you can upload the file, for instance using curl:

curl \
-F "<formFieldsKey1>=<formFieldsValue1>" \
-F "<formFieldsKey2>=<formFieldsValue2>" \
-F "file=@<file-path-from-local>" \

Set Status of The File

Set status of the file using the updateFileStatus() API. When the upload is finished, you need to set the status of the upload. This is needed because the file is uploaded directly to the object storage and therefore bypasses ROQ Platform.

await client.asSuperAdmin().updateFileStatus({
  id: '123',
  status: 'READY',



This endpoint is only available from the server side of your application.

Files usually belong to some other object. For instance, you may have PDFs which represent "contracts". Or you may have images which are "avatars" and so on. To simplify this, ROQ enables you to relate files with objects which are saved on your database. The advantage is that you don't need to add these relations to your own database.

await client.asSuperAdmin().createFileAssociation({
  createFileAssociationDto: {
    entityReference: 'reference',
    entityName: 'xyz789',
    fileId: '4',
fileIdstringUUID of the file
entityReferencestringReference (or ID) of the related entity in your database
entityNamestringName of the object. This could be the name of the table in your database, e.g. "contract"


To enable public access to a file, run:

await client.asSuperAdmin().makeFilePublic({
  id: 'fileId',


To hide a file from public access, you can execute:

await client.asSuperAdmin().makeFilePrivate({
  id: 'fileId',



You can get a list of files using the files() query.

Access management: The query returns all files that are accessible for the current user.

Associations: You can use the filters to find files which are associated with other objects; see createFileAssociation(). The typical flow looks loke this: First, you fetch the ID of an object from your database and then query the related files. For instance, the query shown below requests all files that are associated with a specific "contract".

Visibility: For files marked as “public”, the returned URL is static. If the file is marked as “private”, then the URL is referred to as a signed URL which is created for only one purpose. A signed URL works only for a short amount of time and is not intended to be published.

await client.asSuperAdmin().files({ filter: {
  entityName: { equalTo: "contract" },
  entityIdentifiers: { equalTo: "123" }
filter:entityNameobjectName of the object. This could be the name of the table in your database, e.g. "contract"
filter:entityIdentifiersobjectReferences (or IDs) of the related objects from your database


To download a single file, you can use the file() query.

await client.asSuperAdmin().file({ id: "849384FileIMG"});