User Invites


How to Use User Invite with Notify API

You can utilize the user invite API in conjunction with the ROQ notification system. The intended purpose is to send a notification to the user after they have accepted an invitation or an invite from the notification. For detailed instructions on how to do this, please refer to the following tutorial.

How to Use User Invite with Mails API

For optimal results, it's recommended to utilize ROQ's Mails API in conjunction with the User Invites API. The User Invites UI Components are ideal for quick and easy development, but if you require personalized code for user invitations, you can use the API. To learn more about this process and the use case, please refer to the following tutorial.

How to use User Invite API With Locale

You can now invite users using user Invites UI components that support different languages. This allows you to send email invitations in the user's preferred language. Check out the tutorial on How to use User Invites API with Locales to learn how to do this.